Intro to Prepping Theory 1020 - Tiny Survival Guide
The Tiny Survival Guide could be the simplest way to begin building your information library for preparedness and survival. As the professor read through the material contained in The Tiny Survival Guide he was impressed by the amount of topics covered in such a small format. The Professor was please to find that there are many new tips and tricks found within the guide. There are few items like the section on making a throwing stick, that could have been used instead to expound deeper on other more important topics.
Notes For The Final Exam
- Price - The Tiny Survival Guide is well within the sub $15 price tag.
- Great Organization - Each section is laid out in a way you can quickly find the topic you need.
- Checklists - Sections like Food include a simple checklist to make sure you Kit is complete.
- Wallet Size - This would be the only issue with the guide. It claims to be wallet sized ... its about the size of a small EDC wallet itself.
Overall Grade A-
The Tiny Survival Guide is an item that should be found in every bug out bag, glove box, and emergency toolkit.